car,human,fish Meijo University, Professor of Physics

Akihiro Nakayama

Japanese [Japanese version is HERE] Japanese


  • Research
    Some physical problems are too difficult to study analytically or experimentally. Recently, we can study such problems by use of computers. The research method is called computational physics. Subjects I study here are
    * traffic flow,     * pedestrian flow,     * collective bio-motion
    I intend to study physics of network and econophysics.
  • Publication list
  • CV

    ===> Meijo University
e-mail : spock[at]meijo-u[dot]ac[dot]jp
Postal address: Physics Department, Meijo university,
                          1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan
Office: 2nd Research Building, Room K-144
TEL, FAX : ask by e-mail.